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Monday, June 17, 2024

Three Translated Books Published

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TGT Correspondent
Kathmandu, Oct 14

Book-Hill Publication has published three translated books this week. Yugant: Mahabharatko Mahamrityu, Musa Manush and Vimukti have hit the Nepali newsstands just before the Dashain festival.

Yugant: Mahabharatko Mahamrityu by the first Indian woman anthropologist Iravati Karve,  has been translated by Sujit Mainali. The book is a modern excavation of the Mahabharata and is useful for intellectual debates about the epic, the publisher claims.

The second book is a Nepali translation of Nobel Prize-winning American author John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. Translated by Ganes Poudel, the novel tells a heart-breaking story of the two friends George and Lenny, who struggle for survival in the United States after the Great Depression of 1930.

Vimukti is the Nepali translation of the novel Wa Lampusthva Pala: by Malla K. Sundar written originally in Newari. It has been translated by Rajendra Maharjan and Mahesh Raj Maharjan.

Bhupendra Khadka, Chairman of Book Hill Publications, said these books of different genres have been published simultaneously as interest in translated literature is growing.

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