11.1 C
Sunday, March 9, 2025


School Zone

Why do Horses Run so Fast?

What image does your brain make when you think about horses? Perhaps, their speed. Horses are popular for their running and speed. In our...

That Night

Prakriti Shrestha I still remember that night,Dark and desolate,Which forced me walk left and rightWith no electricity in the town. Cold windTelling ghost stories in my...

The Cruel Elephant

A cruel elephant called Jumbo let loose a reign of terror in a jungle. He would walk around, and destroy the nest of birds,...

The Momo House

Sambandh Bhattarai Things changed. People changed. Society changed. But food…food should remain the same.These thoughts went through the mind of Sushil inside theMomo House. He...

The Silent Buddha

Once upon a time, there was a very rich man living in a city in southern Nepal. When his father died, he inherited even...

Edmund Hillary: The First Westerner on Everest

Playing with risks has always been one of the most adventurous pastimes of human beings. Be it the loftiest mountains on earth or the...

The Bermuda Triangle

Perhaps you have heard about the infamous Bermuda Triangle – a region in the Atlantic Ocean that eats ups flights and ships. Innumerable accidents...

Lake and a Lotus

Nagendra Sharma It’s Saturday afternoon. Outside my Kathmandu window the rain is making bubbles rise in a million puddles. A poor, thoroughly wet little girl...

Our First Flight

The free flight of the birds in the air has always lured man to scale up through the sky, rove into its mysteries and...

A Dog’s Sense of Smell

How many of you have dogs at home? If you don’t have one at yours, you must have seen them in the neighborhood, or...

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