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Wednesday, January 22, 2025



First Nepali Poet Bhanubhakta Acharya

By Gopal Parajuli Bharjanma ghaanstira mann diyi dhan kamayoNaam kyei rahos pachhi bhanera kuwa khanayoGhansi daridra gharako tara buddhi kastoMa Bhanubhakta dhani bhaikana aaja yasto! ...

Ghansi: The Grass-Cutter

Eagam KhalingBhar Janma Ghans Tira Man Diee Dhan KamayoNam Kyai Rahosh Pachhi Bhanera Kuva KhanayoGhansi Daridri Gharko Tar Buddhi KastoMo Bhanubhakta Dhani Bhaikana Kina...

‘Ranahaar’: A Must-Read Nepali Fiction

Parshu Shrestha Ranahaar is a Nepali novel written by Yogesh Raj, a historian, on the matter of an important historical event of Nepal. Published by...

Why I Use Literature for Language Learning

Nisha Bhattarai The English Language has been a global language with worldwide acceptance as a lingua-franca to communicate in international society. Speaking from our ground,...

Flappers’ Rise in the Context of Political Changes in Nepal

Saptarishi Paneru Flappers were supposed to be fashionable young women who intended on enjoying and disregarding the then conventional standards of behaviors during the massive...

Toxic Masculinity: A Topic Not so Worn

Ayush Thapa Magar Why? Why? Why are you taught to suppress your tears, emotions and just play a superhero's role just because you are a...

Legendary Singer Premdhoj: An Obituary

Aashwashan Dahal Premdhoj, the velvet voice of Nepal, was born on June 6, 1938 AD. He had a very comfortable childhood being loved and cared...

‘The Poetic Burden’: A Mind-blowing Craft!

Subash Singh Parajuli The Poetic Burden an anthology of poetry is totally a landscape, and carries notions of selfhood to reveal moments of approachability and...

Anna Karenina

Shailesh Acharya “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." These are the opening lines of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna...

Adieu, Dr. Banira!!

Rama Adhikari, TGT Renowned poet, novelist and academic, Dr. Banira Giri has passed away. She was seventy-five. Dr. Giri started her career as a writer...

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