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Monday, March 10, 2025



An Unanswered Question

Reeta Tamrakar Today also Sammishran takes her friend with her. She always takes new people close to her to that place. Like always, today also she...

To My Son Flowing Downstream

Biwash Pokharel With this heart forced-frozen like a stone,I, your mother, am letting you flowIn waterMy joy, my soul, my dreamYou go down, flowingStop wherever...

My Own Little Self

Anoushka Poudel I think I was a lucky child,Born with a little bit of glowing fire.I was angry and always fought the world.I was barely...

The Story of a Cruel Mind

Ishwar Ballabh Previously his heart was cruel,Today this river is being cruelSeemingly without banksIt is flowing everywhere. Perhaps your travails, too,Are like that very riverEntangled, without...

Binisha and Puntey

Mahesh Karki Kshitiz Binisha lives with her family in Ramkot. Her father works in an office. Domestic chores keep her mother busy all day long. Her...

The Story of Sudama

Long ago, there was a great sage named Sandipani. His ashram was situated on the bank of the River Ganga. It was a renowned...

Money Tree

Sunita Khanal My mother often says—The shadow that throngs the money treeIs that of your father. Since that dayAnother shadow has been thronging the base of...

Righteous King Janak

Many warriors, sages and royal savants were born in Nepal. One of those very well known amongst the Nepalese and the worldly community was...

Her Homecoming

Kashiraj Pandey A tall middle-aged woman, accompanied by a handsome-looking boy of about six years of age, descends the stairway from the airliner at Kathmandu...

To the Earth

Chirag Chaitanya Out of the blueYou make your presence felt,Smitten by cold,Have glimpse of the sun occasionally sprouting;No darkness dare dance. Cracks in your bosom,Fettered wounds...

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