16.1 C
Sunday, March 9, 2025



Then to Then: Nothing to Nothing

Nisprabh Saji ThenI knew nothingI was a childI was calmI was considerate ThenI knew everythingI was youngI was thrustingI was overweening NowI know a littleI am middle-agedI...

A Song of Love

Itz Stephen Arinzechukwu Like a diamondShe shines in my eyesMy heart beats for herWanting to see her dailyIt moves me to emotion, thinkingI think she...

The Starry Roof

Bhagawati Poudel In a certain country, there was a home with a starry roof. In it lived a family of two elderly couple and a...

Raw Clay and the Artisan

Tumbehang Limbu In my handThere is some raw clayin his hand, too,there is some raw clayFrom this loaf of clayI want to carve outbeautiful designs...

The Candle’s Flame

Bhoopi Sherchan Steady, bright and resplendentThe candle’s flame. Let us suppose,After the first periodThe ablution overScattering her virginityIn the autumnal sunlightAs if somewhat tiredAs if quite...

The Rabbit Game

Ganga Poudel The forest of Raniban was home to a number of rabbits. The rabbits walked in group, wherever they went. Setu was the smartest...


Dhruba Gautam The frost of time all over the hair,wrinkles of time’s downpour over the face,deep scars of unplugged thorns in the depth of the...

The Story of Shyamu

Sushila Deoja Shyamu, a naughty boy, always moved around with a catapult in the pocket. On the way from his home to school, there stood...

A Leaf

Babu Ram Shrestha ‘Yatri’ A leaf—I am lost among other leavesI am lost in the treesI’m hanging outWhirling from here to thereKeep turning and turningIn...

Is this Our Own Land?

Suman Kalyan Adhikari It’s a rural farmland in the hills. Some of hills are large enough to be called mountains. There is only one road...

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