20.8 C
Friday, March 28, 2025



Color of Flowers in a Garden                              

Bijaya Dhakal  White flowers look clean and beautifulThey may be dirty or clean nobody knows;Brown and black flowers look dirtyEven though beautiful.There was various flower...

How do We Know That Is Water?

Eagam Khaling It was a couple of years ago; I was informally talking to the senior students of a high school. There was a chalkboard...

When Rain had Seized Kathmandu

Sambandh BhattaraiWhen rain had seized Kathmandu,And the roads had turned to rivers;The dullard buildings with their ashen chimneys,Alone, forlorn, all shivered.When rain had seized...

Twin Poems by Dustin Pickering

Almond Eyes Your eyes are wordsspeaking the metrops*into desolation—those who disobeyed Time's reignand spoke evilly of our God. All anew,the almonds of your pupilsare held by...

A Pair of Shoes

Darshan KC SaankuI hardly raise any doubt in my heart of place,where has much grief that I'm your slave,who always has to provide you...

Yellow or Golden

Sushant ThapaMy palm cannot stop the moonFrom being shy.The moon was my teacherAnd it taught me my ownBedtime stories.  The reflection on the waterIs...

The Forever Playing Stage

Sushant Thapa I burn the tears and The tissue papers, I am on my first issue of Forever Magazine.I have my used-to smile That I wear like the passing...

Cosmic Imbalance

Sushant ThapaI sit on the observing porchThe evening flowerpotsSurrender to the concrete society. Tire marks on the footpath soilKeep returning.Heavy lorries,Industrial route,  Sunsari to Calcutta...

Middle-class Sky

Sushant Thapa The blank sky Still blueThe color not fadingMy task;The sweet plum is uneaten.Undone easeThe refrigerationFor winter, baking chilledElectric bills.Middle-class attire.The worldly desiresTo engulf...

Blessing Today

Sushant Thapa Why not a word todayA deed tomorrowA belief todayA worship tomorrowA seed todayA tree tomorrow.Touching the soil todayA blooming flower tomorrow.Aiming high todayReaching...

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