Tanka Upreti
Nearing the state of being a flood,
Then cracking her clear cheeks
against the cliff
the river reached deep down me
deserting her usual course.
Spirits charged,
We are swirling and rolling further
lashing against steeper cliffs
till heads bleed.
Yonder awaits
the sea of humanity
beyond the cliff.
Trans: Manu Manjil
Dr. Tanka Upreti is a prominent young poet and essayist. He has been published widely in magazines of national and international repute. He has four volumes of poetry to his credit: Anubhutika Aksharharu, Sabdaharuko Nepathya, Gajur Pagliera and Niguruko Kharani, and a book of essays, Khandeet Sapanako Geet. He lives in Kathmandu and works for Nepal Television as Director.]