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Monday, March 10, 2025

The Void Theory

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Santosh Kumar Pokharel

[Editorial note: The concept of sunya, or the void, in the East pertains to a universe beyond mathematical reduction — something where everything is accommodated, and yet a thing where nothing seems to exist. Things appear in between. Even the western philosophers, especially the Greeks, conceived the world as inherently empty. So the overall schema of the cosmos consists of a void, and entities that intermittently appear here ultimately perish, making the space empty again. Thus, this theory of void defines the fundamental nature of space. This write-up by Santosh Kumar Pokharel further clarifies the theory. — Mahesh Paudyal]

A man dies leaving a void at the place he had filled up before. The space occupied by living beings turns into total void after they have perished. Where do go their entities? Where goes their element that made them alive, and that all, what did manifest for them in this void? This has been a question from ages.

Not only the human beings but also the wild lives, the trees, the shrubs holding areas in the forests leave void behind them when they die out. A tree in a moment leaves void in lieu of its log when felled. A grave exchange of voids has been seen governing the whole manifestation of life here. And the system of creation goes on filling the voids substituting with another of the type that had died out. Making void and filling this void with something by Nature speaks of ceaseless recurring process of voids which leads to the notion of eternity of voids. So, cognition of natural phenomena has to be understood through incessant and untiring process of recurrence and substitution of voids. This is a mere tool of cognition process that only can lead to recognition of the world in its material and ethereal manifestation.

Philosophy of natural science speaks of cognition of material world through perception by the sense organs. Subtle material world can be recognized through electronic and digital instruments and subtler and more spiritual world can be perceived through intuition or speculation of ideas. Hypothesis of a scientist emerges from his imagination in his inner world first. Any imagination of an artist or composition of a poem by a poet or a music by a musician first seizes one’s spiritual inner world and only then comes out into being.

So, imagination of a poet until the poem has come out is a process happening in the void. Hypothesis of a scientist before discovery has taken place is a process taking place in void. Reaching out someone in imagination happens through a space in thoughtfulness that is possible only in voids. A void has form and the content always endeavors to fit into it and contents at their part having their form- voids constitute parts of a bigger void. This way the whole system-universe is an ultimate void where voids origin and cease then cease and origin again and again. This is the history of creation and dissolution.

Manifestation can happen only in voids. These are the voids no content in the least that are capable of taking a researcher to a comparative reality of what is happening in the space-voids.

Mind travels through ethereal space full of voids or it would have been impossible for a poet to reach out to moon and stellar world in a mere moment. So, every imagination is space base. Every speculative faculty of mindful activities is space base. Thoughtfulness, deliberations, contemplation or pondering whatever you may name are the mere mental activities happening in space. This is probably why sages look onto sky and beg omens for the people and poets and songwriters compose their creations more fruitfully in the nature and under the open sky. 

A sage creates his aura around his physical body and a hypnotist commands you do something that he may want and all these happen in space. There are space voids interconnected to each other in a dynamic state. And when one is capable of controlling nature of these pulsating space voids the voids in their turn arrange themselves in some wave layers and follow commands. Every void is enacted into pulsation by the content in it.  It depends upon the will power of him who commands. Sages create a holy environment with their strong positive aura. All the manifestations of lives in this space ultimately cease and succumb to this eternal space void. 

Therefore, infinity can only be possible through voids. Teleportation of things to any point of the space can be possible in a vacuum state.

Space is a female entity in a simple way of explanation where contents are male base. Contents die out in space leaving the latter to be filled by the others. Therefore, this infinite universe can never be traversed and cognized by matter means and activities as these are not limitless but through the void theory. A void theory could be the universal theory that could possibly explain the material and immaterial or spiritual world and give way to discovery of those what have been given to our reasoning.

August 18. 2022, Nepal.

About the Author

[Santosh Kumar Pokharel is a world-renowned multilingual poet and a versatile writer from Nepal. Pokharel is an essayist, story writer a poet and a philosopher. His creations have been voluntarily translated and published an aired through media in thirty-four languages so far. By profession a senior civil Engineer Mr. Pokharel has been honored with the title of World Poet from Russia, Golden World Writer from ten countries of the world, and the best International Poet from China. He has been awarded Anton Chekhov International Award class First from Russia, Nikolai Gogol International Award from Ukraine, and Peoples’ Diplomacy Award from Kazakhstan, and more than a dozen international recognitions for his contributions to world literature. Writer of six books poet Pokharel is the founder and chief of the International Forum of Literature.]

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  1. The process of getting void , getting filled , manifestation and decaying ,and again the cyclic recurrence has been analysed well by the Nepali author . Kudos !


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