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A True Friend in Need

Bijaya Dhakal

I thought that house was mine,
I sold it for some money
And it did not stay mine.

I thought that car was mine,
Got old and broke,
Then I sold it for wine.

I made  many good friends,
They all did have other friends
And left me alone.

I thought her/him a true partner,
She/he loved someone else.
Then left me alone.

I thought all my children are mine,
They had their own life
And they went away to get choice.

We are now just me and my body,
Either I love this or hate this !
Not going away from me,

Until I realize that I am no more.
Oh, my body! I love you!
You are the only True friend in need!

Oh, my body! I trust you,
You are the only support I have,
To survive.

Oh, my body, I save you.
You are the only means to get me to the truth!
You are the only, true friend in need!

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