Suresh Rai
The crested serpent eagles in the day sky
Blood thirsty, soar up so high
Their eyes fixated on the prey below
In a rush to grab and peck and swallow
The prudent tigers in the human forests
Busy sucking the nymphs’ large breasts
They roar as if they will devastate
The whole earth in no at all haste
The talking lions trespass the deer’s territory
Use the Brahmastra to pick up victory
They enjoy strangling the innocent deer
Drink their red hot blood like beer
The brawny beasts invariably revel with red bloods
They instantly craft the blood-soaked rivers and floods
The vulnerable organisms are taciturn and mute spectators
They have no choice, but to be annihilated by predators
O God! Why do your children enjoy swimming in the pools of red blood?
Why don’t they realize they will one day be swept away by their sins’ flood?
Please Lord! Tell them not to drink red hot bloods
Instead, tell them to throw away their evil motives into the raging floods.
[Suresh Rai is based in Kathmandu, and he writes poems in English. He enjoys writing symbolic poems on the themes of human emotions, relations, politics, motivation and social reform.]
Red Bloods
Must read

Wonderful poem relating the day to day crimes happening in Nepal like corruption, rape etc by the political and powerful people.
I really enjoyed reading Suresh Rai’s revolutionary poem.
thats amazing
loved it