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Sunday, March 9, 2025


Must read

Shailendra Sakar

I go dizzy!
Who is flipping the pages of
the entire stacks of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata,
the heaps of the Bible, the Koran and the Puranas,
millions of tiny letters in science and other books,
thousand tales of defeat and loss from human civilization,
volumes of books on medical science and law?

Innumerable kites, not countable to eyes, are hovering over the roofs,
clouds in the sky are looking for support,
black ghouls are sauntering in the courtyard,
a dry fire is engulfing the flower garden
numerous candles are burning in a row,
a crowd of people in black,
and innumerable others in a mob
are running, with a black candle each,
caught between lips.

Like in a Psychedelic painting,
the world is dancing in a circle.
The blood of fear is running on people’s brain
like in a terrified mouse.
A dark star is falling from the bright sky
people are frightened to see other people.
There is someone who is scaring me;
the trail I am to take is swinging like a hanging bridge
with its hood raised, a cobra is twining around the blood,
I am walking in vertigo.

I am getting nauseated with people.
Who has intruded into my body, and is swinging?
Who is getting filmed with a shaking lens?
Who is recklessly pounding on the doors, windows and the ceilings with the hammer?
Who is blowing sirens inside the entire head?
I can see talks running busily along on streets
I can see them jump all over on a drama
I can see every part and organ of people,
walking in isolation, and dying.
I have joined a procession
under the sky clouded with annoyance with me.
Ignoring the entire mass of the deities
I am walking along in rage,
I am walking enraged,
and am walking in vertigo.

Trans: Mahesh Paudyal

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