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Nabin Prachin

Upon seeing
Couples holding hands
In a park
In a street
In an open ground
At the busiest bazaar

Upon seeing a couple
Lost in their own world,
Caressing each other’s hair
Caring not for those looking at them askance

Upon coming across the news
Of suicide of lovers together,
Caring not for the abuses
Hurled at them
Even if they
Call a poet insane
Who wanders around
Chanting the hymn of love

Even if they call lovers
The blind with eyesight

Every time I remember
Dasharath Majhi

I look at the path
Carved by Dasharath Majhi
The Rani Mahal
The Taj Mahal
I feel that
And let this feeling last for ever…

Love is blind.
That’s why it’s holy
Lovers are insane
That’s why they are great

At this moment
I deeply regret my sanity.

[Translation: Bal Ram Adhikari]

(Nabin Prachin is the author of Standing Alone, a collection of poems.)

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