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Rupsingh Bhandari

Still hobbling between us
Therefore … prolongation must recur
I have bundled all those scratchy time
and scrolled the fresh meadow of openness- newness
Life is uncertain … on the way of certain
I have neither left nor submerged  
But remained as moon revolving you
being dark and light remaining far
but around you.
What a catch 22?

I am still breathing
in the midst of suffering
feeble rays will  looming out  
on the horizon of the dark.
Because I am addicted to
uncertainty of certainty.
Bittersweet is nothing.
But, means.

[Rupsingh Bhandari is a poet and social activist from Nepal. He has completed his M.ED and M.A in English from Tribhuvan University. He writes song, poetry, short stories and Novel in English, Nepali and Hindi. Published several poem, articles and translates poem and story. As a social worker, he was awarded with HJ International Model family Award (2019) from Korea. He is author of a poetry book Conscience’s Quantum.]

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