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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

If I Had a Billion Dollars

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Rushina Tamang

A billion dollar is not a small amount; 10,000 x 100 makes 1 million. Then 1 million x 1000 makes 1 billion. And in America, having even 100 dollars is worth it! Therefore, with a billion dollars, I can do many things. I can buy a house, I can make a huge business platform or I can donate the money to food shelters, I can help the science field by donating money. And maybe help them find out more about outer planets. I have always been curious about space. And have dreamed about going outside the milky way galaxy. But, since I can’t do that, I can at least help someone else. Or maybe I can be the next Elon Musk.

The first thing I would do, with a billion dollars is give a part of the money to my family. And maybe even buy a big mansion in a foreign country. After that, I would donate a part of it to a food shelter or an orphanage. Each day so many people in the world have no food to eat. And they starve to death-sometimes! And these food shelters help people get food and water. A part of the billion dollars I would then donate for the social tasks mainly to develop villages in my country, including my own village. It would be great if I could help all the villages to develop a good infrastructure.

The next thing I would do is travel across the globe. I have always dreamed of travelling around the world. And enjoy the different climates in different countries. I want to open a hospital, where doctors can come and work and cure patients. The doctors will be well paid but the patients here wouldn’t have to pay much money so that poor people can also afford the medication. The hospital which I would fund would be a huge building with different sections. And in one of those sections would be a science lab where scientists can research and find the cure for incurable diseases like, Covid-19, cancer, HIV etc. There are many people out there, who are suffering from cancer and doctors can’t do anything about it. And maybe I can help scientists find a cure by funding them immeasurably.

And finally, I can invest in my business. I have always wanted to have my own business and sell different wonderful products to people; more like Steve Jobs! And when I start earning money from my business, I would have the feeling of accomplishment. That way my source of income would never deplete and with more money I can contribute more to society. These are the things I would have done if I had a billion dollars. 

Having a billion dollars is not a small thing. A billion dollars is a lot of money. And most people find it hard to even earn 1000 dollars. So, having a billion dollars is a wonderful thing. A person can do many things with this huge money. But we should not invest in bad things or end up doing bad things, with so much money because with money comes power! So, one should be careful! The best thing to do is donating it to help centers, or organizations, which help people in different sectors. And if I had a billion dollars, I would feel blessed. By the way, I would even be happy having a million dollars!

[Rushina Tamang, 13, is a student of Deerwalk Sifal School in grade seven. She lives in Sifal and loves to travel, read books and play mobile games.] 

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