23.1 C
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Life, Like a Violin

Must read

Bimal Baidhya

is not sweet to the ears
like the melody of music;
nor is it harmonious
or uniform in velocity
like ragas and beats
that can lighten the heart,
cater joys ever
and help one ward off
pains and sufferings.

This life of the humans
is not like music
harmonious, and uniform in notes
it rather is like the violin
one that strums and keep strumming
and on being strained.
The violin gives out the cadence of melancholy
and people get enraptured in the tune.
They do not experience the strain on the strings.
Man today
doesn’t feel the strain of a strummed violin
human life too is like it, after all
like the violin
giving out a sweet note
in spite of the strain it endures
and is enrapturing people in its melody.
Man, amid all such strains
one day
recedes to the rear.

Bimal Vaidhya (b. 1966) is a reputed Nepali poet from Ilam. His the author of collections of verses like Ilaamka Muktakharu (Joint collection of muktaks, 1988), Aakash Chhuna Khojne Mannharu (Collection of poetry), Bidaaika ti Ksyanharu (Collection of poetry), Samaya ra Sapana and Akshar Symphony.

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