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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dependency and the Young Generation

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Unika Sunar

We have a great history of time evolution, showing how we are able to live in the modern times. Starting from Stone Age to this modern era, we are able to bring development only because of progressive utilization of time. However, if we had been dependent on time alone to take us to the modern age, we surely would have been haunting animals to survive.

It is our ability to move with time that enables us to bring about evolution. However, our country is lacking in terms of improvement i.e. walking with time. We are following same old footsteps and same old traditions. It is surprising how no one is talking about the requirement of new generation’s involvement in our country. 

We, the younger generation people, are suppressing our thoughts, creativity and knowledge. We are so much dependent on our parents that we forget our responsibility and individuality as a citizen of a country. Even after being 16 years old, the age from when we all are able to call ourselves a citizen of a country, we still are dependent on our parents. But it doesn’t apply in each and every case. Every one of us is brought up differently. Some of us are from weak backgrounds and some of from strong backgrounds. Children from poor backgrounds already know the difficulty of living in such an era, where money is everything. Due to this, they are less dependent than the children from strong background are. But that doesn’t mean it applies to every scenario. Now, the question arises: “What makes the ‘younger generation’ so dependent?” The answer of this question is our society and our parents. Whether we want to believe it or not it is the harsh truth of our generation.

We can hear our grandparents and parents talk about how difficult it was for them to work and achieve what they have now. They have gone through several of hardships and are still going through, merely in order to make their life easier, in order to give their children all the things that they were never able to get when they were younger. However, while satisfying every need of their kids they forget that they are also a citizen and a future of the country. They keep on fulfilling their child’s wish until they grow up to age of 20 to 25. They make them so much dependable that their child would not be able to come up with any difference in the society. They won’t be able to search for the new innovations. They keep on following old mechanisms and techniques created by older generations or from foreign country. This is the reason why our nation lacks on development. Most of young people except few are dependent on their parents’ assets and professions. Although there are people who are example for our younger generations but most of young Nepalese, still do not know their motto of life. They still are not able to find the purpose of their life. Their future planning just involves marrying a good person having kids and finish. Again, by this way this system keeps on revolving. They fell the responsibility only towards their family but “where is the responsibility towards nation?” 

If we keep on making our children dependent on everything, then the younger generation will not be able to take the nation to bright place but instead they will themselves fall into darkness. At the moment, the question arises “What could be done to make our generation and coming more productive and fruitful for the nation?” It has the easiest answer but a very complex procedure. Firstly it depends on how parents bring up their children so every parents should be reminded about how in the name making their kid’s life easier they are making them dependable, secondly “part time jobs” play a huge role in-dependency of our generation. Hourly wage system in jobs should be introduced for different international part time job we need international credit card and debit card, which is very hard process to do in our country. We have to order master card from other country with 30$ balance and how a weak background teenager could will be able to afford that. Hence, government should also make a provision for easy banking transaction access internationally for Nepali freelancers. At last, the most important one the “Passing inheritance to children” rule of Nepal should be modified. That is the main reason why the younger generation has become so dependent.

Hence, future is in hands of us young generation people. If we keep on being satisfied with whatever we have got from old generation then there will not be any new change in our nation. Let us seek for betterment! 

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