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Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Teacher

Must read

Mohan Singh Saud

I feel proud,
As I was born to be a Teacher
To spread the light of knowledge,
To enlighten the society,
Though as a part of the nation!

I feel proud,
As I’m the master of my fate,
I’m the master of my mind,
I’m the master of my society,
I’m the master of my disciples.
How sweet the word sounds,
When I hear ‘master’ of my profession!

I feel proud,
To be a Teacher,
As teaching is the profession of professions,
To teach for outcome, not for income,
Corruption-free, knowledge sharing,
Well-being of my disciples, of all,
The only aim I keep,
Being a bridge to cross thousands,
In the path of bright future,
Human resource of perfect nature!

Every person I meet is my Teacher,
As I learn new things from them,
To increase the storehouse of my mind,
Keeping up- to-date,
All the time
As new knowledge explosion
In the world triggering me,
To adapt for my career!

[Mohan Singh Saud is a teacher, writer, editor and researcher. He is currently a PhD scholar at Graduate School of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has produced some ELT course books and written some articles. Recently, he produced Grade XI compulsory English textbook published by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Curriculum Development Centre, Sanothimi. He is interested in writing poems and stories, editing and researching. He is Associate Professor of English Education at Kailali Multiple Campus, Dhangadhi, Nepal.]

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  1. I love reading this poem. I would wish you all the best, guru. One thing I want to express is the teaching profession should be free from politics.


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