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Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Quest

Must read

Alisa Dahal

Are you the agony of the Maldives, the sunken voice – almost to extinct? Or, you are the aggression of the eroding cities and the melting glaciers! Hey, aren’t you the arsenic-stinky air of the big waters? Or, you are the narrator of ‘hot’ stories of the drought-ridden green pristine! Oh! What a fool I am! You maybe the caution to humanity: serving the noble cause of climate-justice!Are you the corporate agent of some Big ‘bodies’ selling their bugles of the wrongs and the rights that change overnight? Or, are you assigned revenge upon human arrogance and encroachment by some eco-minds playing behind? Or, you are the mouth-piece of Greta Thunberg, a naive human championing the nature-justice! Oh! What a cynic I am! You may be the warning to humanity to save the nature.
Are you the manifestation of Malthusian population-order with the natural hazards and the epidemics in the globe? Hey, aren’t you the dream-catcher of some Super-powers to hegemonize the world with some dirty games? Or, you are the divine advocate to remind human-limitations! Oh! What a brute I am! You may be a world-message for unity to save lives and humanity. Oh, no! Pardon my doubts and malignant thoughts you virus! When lakhs of lives you devoured that the earth misses,Tell us, hey Corona virus— Will you ever demystify yourself and give us our Hope back?

[Alisa, MA/BEd. in English, is a lecturer at Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal.]

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