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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

My Name: My Pride

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Niharika Chapagain

My name is Niharika Chapagain and according to my parents, I was named by my father. When I was given the name Niharika, many relatives didn’t like it but my father’s stubbornness won over  and I must say,  he blessed me with this unique name. I am glad my name is registered as Niharika Chapagain on my birth certificate and school register. Since then, I have been recognized as Niharika everywhere but at home, everyone calls me by my another name—say—my pet name! It’s not that they don’t like my name Niharika, but they feel comfortable with my pet name. 

Anyway, coming back to my name, I don’t know why I didn’t ask my father about how he got the idea of this fascinating name and what its meaning was when I was small! I never had any curiosity about my name. Maybe I didn’t think much about it or it didn’t occur to me until, one day, when my English teacher asked the meaning of my name in my entrance exam. That day, I didn’t have an answer. As he asked me that question there was silence in the room for a moment as I didn’t know how to answer. I was even bit embarrassed to some extent because I realized I didn’t even know a little about myself. But he gently answered me that my name was special and had a unique meaning. He told me that my name’s meaning was nebula. I was astounded because I had never heard the term ‘nebula’ till then! 

Do you know what a nebula is? A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and mist that occupies space between the stars in outer space. You all might think what is so special about just a cloud of dust! So let me tell you. The special thing about the giant cloud of dust called nebula is that it is regarded as the birthplace of the stars that we see from the earth in the night sky. The nebula acts like a nursery for the new stars and many stars are formed in it. 

There are many types of nebulas. Some nebulas can be seen through naked eyes, but some cannot. The Orion Nebula is said to be the brightest and the only nebula that can be seen from the earth with our naked eyes. Maybe the reason for it to be seen in the moonless sky is that it is the brightest nebula and is a bit nearer to the earth than other nebulas. 

I want to become like the Orion Nebula, different from others and shine while doing the things I like. I really hope that I can shine and can be seen by others as they see the Orion Nebula. I think I can relate myself to the nebulas. I think I am able to shine in my own ways. I can do many things that others cannot, and those things make me shine day by day. I always thought why I can easily concentrate at night while studying and not at all in the morning. That day I knew, perhaps, I was just like the Orion Nebula. The Orion Nebula shines, and can be seen only in a moonless night. I guess my name resonates with my behavior— isn’t that quite a resemblance? 

My English teacher had mentioned my name’s meaning as nebula and I was very surprised to know that my name’s meaning was so special. So to know more about it, I searched it on Google on the same day and found out that my name had so many meanings in different languages. The first meaning I got was Nebula and I think that my father had known what kind of a girl his daughter was going to be; so he chose the exact name which describes me and my behavior so well. My name, Niharika, also means all-time winner, says Google. Actually, what I believe is there is no person on earth who always wins and is perfect but I think there are people who work much harder after their failures, as accepting your failures makes you a winner. By the phrase all-time winner, I mean the person who doesn’t give up. In my view, people who learn from their failures, don’t give up, and keep trying until they accomplish something worthwhile. It’s important, one should thank oneself for the hardships one has gone through. By appreciating ourselves we have more courage to face the difficulties in the future and we build up resilience. I always encourage myself to work harder when I fail and this makes me tougher in difficult situations. I think being an all-time winner means one shouldn’t give up and failing really doesn’t mean the world has turned upside down; it just means success is a step away, so try again!

I also got into a website that describes a person’s trait with the name Niharika. When I clicked the website, I was surprised because the things written there matched with mine. For instance,  I am the type of a person who is confident but panics easily. I try to hide all the emotions inside and show the cool and calm part of myself. Many people think I am a nerd who always studies and always has a book in hand but a very few know that despite being good at studies and other activities, I still know how to enjoy life. I know there is a life beyond books and one should learn to enjoy life while working hard. I become serious while studying but if studying is not necessary like in holidays, I keep my books aside and do things that make me happy. My name’s meaning represents the real me and if people want to see the real me, they should first understand my name and its meaning. 

I am very honored to have such a name. My name also means dewdrops in Telugu. Actually, dewdrops are very precious. In literary works, dewdrops also symbolize a woman who is normal but more important than  diamonds. The person who is simple and important is described using the word ‘dewdrop’ in poetry. I think dewdrop as a meaning of my name that suits me. In the world of poetry and literature, dewdrops symbolize peace, rest, purity and love. I think by choosing my name as Niharika, my father wanted me to spread peace and love which the world is much in need of!

I felt blessed when I knew that Niharika is also the name of Goddesses Saraswati and Parvati. Niharika is the name of Goddess Parvati because Niharika also means a girl who lives in the snow. I like the snow and cold climate much more than hot places like Tarai. Ironically, I was born in Tarai, in a hot climate but since childhood, I get allergies and rashes if I feel too hot. My parents once  took me to a hospital because I frequently used to sweat in my palms and the rashes were common. The doctor concluded that my body cannot handle much heat and my body is sensitive to warm climate. My characteristics, thoughts, and the real me can be described through the meaning of my name. 

After knowing the meaning of my name, I was finally happy and from that day I started to truly value and respect my name and myself. I felt like I found a new reason to work hard and smart every day. These are the reasons that made me proud of my name and encouraged me to work harder to earn this name given proudly by my family. I hope to make my father proud who blessed me with this unique name with special meanings. I am glad to have known the meanings of my name. How about you? What does your name say about you? 

[Niharika Chapagain, 13, is a resident of Sanagaun and studies at Sifal Secondary School in grade VIII. She is fond of reading and traveling and loves to write in different genres.]

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