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Saumyajit Acharya

Some grief was leaving my room today.
I told them: Please wait
Is it the real time to depart?
In the depth of the night today, ‘sleep’ is
Fully awake in all homes.
Only children are sleeping near their mothers’ laps.
The stars have landed on the streets
Residing in the dogs’ eyes!
Whose door can I knock so late?
Whom can I wake up and request to open the door?
Rather, can we sleep on the dormitory bed
In the embrace of each other?
One grief slept on his shoulder
Another rode on the other’s shoulder,
Deep agony went into the chest
And dragged out the calligraphy of my ribs.
Throughout the night, some memorable grief
And some agony, spread all over the room
Decorated my den with their vandalism.

[Saumyajit Acharya, PhD, is an Indian poet, translator and scholar. He is now the Head of the Department of Education, Rampurhat College, Burdwan University. He has nine books to his credits. His poems have been translated into English, Jharkhandi and Serbian languages. Some of them have been broadcasted on FM radio stations in Bolivia, South America.]

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