By Sabita Gautam Dahal
Should I talk about
my chain-Pain,
An attack of severe migraine
My irritation when the menstrual cycle
shows its extremity.
Should I share about
My nightmares,
My sleeplessness,
My situation of speechlessness.
I am in chain-pain
one after another
physical and mental,
social and economical.
How I am handling all,
when there is acute need
then only I give a call.
Should I be open to my loved one
who promised someday
to be with me when I feel alone.
External and internal blows of time
very difficult to show shine
I deeply feel all pain are only mine.
Should I deny to answer
those unwanted questions
which I have repeated a hundred times.
Should I allow to think of myself
Be with myself
and go deep down to eternity,
While my mind need rest
and my brain solve all quest.
I am tired of answering same sentence
with same pause and same full stops.
Should I ask for no complain
no comment,
Should I expect a soothing greet
by which I could make all my pain defeat.
[Sabita Gautam Dahal is a Nepali poet from Biratnagar, Morang District of Nepal. A lecturer at Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic, Morang, she has so far published two anthologies of poems: Neelo Simana and Antim Aakash.]
Thank you so much Gorkha Times…
Thank you for the publication.